Reading Group

Romain Bourdoncle


Meeting dates: Every two weeks on Thursdays, starting October 31, 2024.
Location: Lounge of the Collège de France.

For questions, contact:

Information structure

Session 1

  1. Krifka, Manfred (2007). Basic Notions of Information Structure. In Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure, 6, 13-55. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam.
  2. Vallduví, Enric (1992). The Informational Component. New York: Garland Publishing.
  3. Glanzberg, Michael (forthcoming). Information Structure for Philosophers. To appear in The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy of Language, ed. E. Lepore and U. Stojnić, Oxford University Press.

Session 2

  1. Reihnart, Tanya (1981). Pragmatics and Linguistics: An Analysis of Sentence Topics. Philosophica 27.
  2. Gundel, Jeanette K. & Fretheim, Thorstein (2004). Topic and Focus. In The Handbook of Pragmatics, eds. Laurence R. Horn & Gregory Ward, 175-196. Oxford: Blackwell.

Metacognition & Mindreading

Session 3

  1. Carruthers, Peter (2009). How we know our own minds: The relationship between mindreading and metacognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32, 121-138.
  2. Carruthers, Peter (2011). The Opacity of Mind: An Integrative Theory of Self-Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
  3. Carruthers, Peter (2015). The Centered Mind: What the Science of Working Memory Shows Us About the Nature of Human Thought. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.

Core Knowledge

Session 4

  1. Spelke, Elizabeth (2024). Précis of What Babies Know. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 47, e120.